Time to meet my sweet little Levi. I can remember him being so small as if it were yesterday. His hair was curly in spots only. We used to call him Kramer from SEINFIELD. Levi has always been the more compliant child. He really didn't have to talk because Cheyenne did the talking for him. Now that he is getting older things are changing, (attitude) he's really showing another side of himself...ugggggg. So far I am dealing with it. It's hard to put the hammer down on him when I never had to before. He is in 8th grade and the youngest in his class. At thirteen he's a big boy....looks like he's seventeen. That can be a problem sometimes like when I went to get his haircut and I was paying for the thirteen dollar haircut and they didn't believe me that he was younger then seventeen. The girls are always circled around him....I'm not sure I am ready for this. Soccer is a huge part of Levi's life, he's in select soccer playing for Evergreen at this time. Of course he went out for all sports in school too, He's good at all activity just like his dad. I am proud of my son. He's very sincere and has a big heart. I love him!
too bad they don't give you shots to keep your kids from growing up, eh? :)